This doesn't just make your child feel special but also has a very special way of boosting their self esteem and enables the child to develop more trust and confidence in you as a parent. It also help remove any trace of ill feelings whenever you make a decision concerning them or maybe reprimand them for doing something wrong. Telling them you love them also encourages them to love their siblings,friends and everyone in general even you as mum or dad.
These young minds learn faster than you think and i bet you they are bound to pick some up,if not all but some.you must drop all those bad habits before you become a parent as you need to bring up a responsible individual for the society.children don't pick these habits because they are weak but because they barely know what is wrong and what is right.teach them values and morals then let them know what counts and what doesn't.
Whenever they break a rule,misbehave or do things wrong,please reprimand that child.This may just be a simple punishment.you also have to beat them sometimes but you don't have to hit anything on them.words can also be very nice and works like magic in the lives of young people. WORDS contain ROD so don't spare the rod and spoil the child. however its very important you let them know why they are been reprimanded so they don't repeat the same act. Make your corrections with love.
You must never be too busy for your child so always make out time to spend some quality time with them both at home and outdoor.This makes it possible for them to trust you and ask you some questions they may never get the right answers to,from anywhere else. They may probably share their experiences in school and with their peers while you listen and maybe counsel. Now as a parent you can get to discover their fears and encourage them as their hero.A parent,truly parents a child.
Do not let your children grow up on just the television,cartoons are good i agree but try mixing that with quality educating books that will burst their faculty. As not all cartoons are good for them anyway and also check what they do in school as well by maybe visiting their teacher to find out if and where your child needs help.. though computers are great too but all those should never take the place of books.If they can stay late night to watch a movie then they can as well stay late night during the weekends reading a book as well.
Telling your child that fighting is the only way out of a misunderstanding is very wrong. You can raise a humble lion if you train them the right way and don't forget the pen is mightier than the sword.
Fighting means lack of training and self control which means as an adult this child may grow up to fight in the office or in the president's office.. Teach your children love,patience,respect,self control peace and tolerance.
This is not just about praying for them but more like praying with them. Teach them about God,make them understand that without God there is no man. Let them understand that everything they have belongs to God as well, so don't teach them not to give or help people.Love and respect your spouse and you all should pray together. Teach them to fast,to pray,not to lie but stay focused. This builds that child to be a more productive person. Remember, a child that walks with God,never walks alone.
We were all boys and girls before we ever became men and women,so there is a child in everyone of us out there,Parenthood is a beautiful thing and Its not about saying am not a parent yet,the first step to being a good parent is getting married to a good spouse that will bring out the best in you and the children. Lets help raise all the children around us as every child should is your responsibility.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Sexual Transmitted Disease is a slug that eats up at least 5 in every 10 sexually active young person in Nigeria and that is why there are lots of national,state,local government and non governmental programs going on in the country in order to protect and preserve the lives and future every young person in Nigeria.
Sexual Transmitted Diseases are those disease infection that are transferred from one person to another during vaginal,oral or anal sexual intercourse. It could be viral,bacterial,fungal, protozoa or parasitic.of course we are all familiar with HIV,syphilis,herpes simplex,human papillomavirus,pubic lice,
gonorrhea,candidasis,chancroid,chlamydia,viral hepatitis etc. Now note that some can be permanently cured while the viral ones which includes HIV, viral hepatitis, HPV, herpes can only be managed and controlled. Infections have signs and different symptoms but visiting your doctor at least twice a year will save you a lot of stress. Its no longer new these infections can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse,by blood, saliva or breast milk, but when things go bad,what are the basic things you need to do for you to live a healthy free and fulfilled life as been infected is not a death sentence but a new beginning to a more healthier happy life.......
1. TAKE NOTE OF YOUR BODY CHANGES; as a female do you have an unusual discharge with a foul smell,abnormal periods,lower abdominal pain or aches,itching or sores that may be painful or just seem harmless. now as a male do you have abnormal growths or sores,itching,blood in urine or semen.Females do you have unusual discharges,unusual bleeding,lower abdominal pains,sores or ulcers but generally it may also include oral thrush or sore gums due to oral sex but that depends on the type of infection.
2. SELF MEDICATION;once it is sexual transmitted infection,self medication or taking drugs without doctors advice is the worst thing to do.please you should not take or rub any type of drug except you have seen a doctor. Certain hypothesis needs to be confirmed before drugs can be administered to you.
3. SEE A PROFESSIONAL DOCTOR; I added professional before the doctor for you to understand that a chemist is not a doctor,most definitely you will be sent for tests to confirm what is exactly wrong with you. Remember to tell the doctor nothing but the whole truth,hiding your health problem from a doctor is a sure way of signing your death warrant as whatever information you provide is exactly what you will be treated with. The more honest the better and PLEASE Don't visit a chemist telling him to give you just any antibiotics,that is drug abuse.
4.GET TESTED; Run your tests as that will confirm exactly what is wrong and that is where your healing begins,as a test should reveal what is wrong and also in very good hospital reveal the drugs that you may be reactive to. A test maybe really hard for some people especially HIV,but you have nothing to fear,its just and only a test not a death sentence.
5.ALL OF IT;Take your drugs exactly as it was instructed,missing any part of the drugs has a away of causing you microbial resistance tendencies making it possible for the drug not to work. Remember a good meal will help the effectiveness of the drug so don't take any drug on an empty stomach except its a directive from the doctor. Its best for you to set alarm,take them along always,just to make sure you don't ever forget to send them down there.
6. ITS THE BEST TIME TO ABSTAIN; When you are on treatment for any form of STD is the best time to sexually abstain,this helps your healing but if you think body nobi firewood,abeg i take God beg you,use a condom. Having unprotected sex increases your chances of reinfection or even infecting
someone else but most importantly get your partner to go for treatment as well. if your partner doesn't then its just as good as you have never been treated since you have the chances of falling into the same trap again.
someone else but most importantly get your partner to go for treatment as well. if your partner doesn't then its just as good as you have never been treated since you have the chances of falling into the same trap again.
7. REDUCE TO THE LOWEST TERM; Make up your mind to Drastically reduce the number of your sexual partners once you are treated. remember it doesn't make sense treating yourself and still engaging in risky behaviors,its better to have just one faithful partner with protected sex but best to abstain which is very possible. Don't forget having a viral STD means u will have to be placed on medication in most cases for life so could you Reduce the number to the lowest term which could be one or better still, zero.
Having an STD is not a death sentence. However, not all of them are only gotten from just unprotected sex. They can also be gotten from poor personal hygiene like sharing towels,inner wears,toothbrushes,unclean toilet,blood transfusion,sharing sharp objects and then mother to child transmission during pregnancy,childbirth or breastfeeding. this means improving on our personal hygiene also plays a very important role in your staying healthy and happy.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Anger they say is a small madness,and to think that you can sleep with anger is one very tough battle for anyone that has tried it. you never know how much pressure you subject your heart to,which could lead to a heart attack or cardiac arrest. you can
actually sort whatever fumed you day by doing the opposite of what you are doing. mix up with good friends that cheer you up,watch a funny movie,read a good book or better still try sorting it out. your sweet dreams should not be full of bad depressive thoughts.
Leaving the phone on your bed,under your pillow or anywhere near you is not just advisable as phones emit electromagnetic radiation though in small quantity but should not be encouraged.its usual to see some people that use their phones as alarm clocks,but please put the phone as far as possible,maybe on a table. These electromagnetic waves can cause disruptions to our nervous system. however if you have to keep your phone on your bed,try to switch it off.
The eye is one of most sensitive and important part of the human body. Sleeping with your
contact lens harbors dirt and bacteria especially those that are not designed to be worn at night.
This also affects the cornea and causes swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eye and
keratitis,a contact lens infection.please save yourself the blindness by removing your contact
lenses,we know your eyes may be of no value but your family members will have to give up
their personal assignments to take care of you as a blind Bartiamus.
Sleeping with a wrist watch or any other wrist jewelry has an adverse effect in your
circulatory system,which affects the rate and level of blood flow. the absence of blood
flow brings about blood clotting or even in worst cases seizures.its best you avoid
anything that will block your blood flow as that can be dangerous to your health.
Wrist watches also emit small radiation that affect the health of the humans.
The Room temperature plays a very important role in our sleep as the hotness and
coldness of the room determines how well we sleep all through the night or how
healthy we wake up the next day. sleeping in a very cold room is harmful just
as sleeping in a very hot or not well ventilated room. However,the weather can change
but we should be able to cross all 't's and dot all 'i's in order to avoid cold or meningitis.
I really wonder how some folks feel very comfortable sleeping with tight pants and bra on.this is not just about the girls,even the men some wear tight boxers,shorts or pants to bed.
Those organs up there and down there deserves some fresh air you know,and the effect of those tight things on your circulatory system cannot be over emphasized as it disrupts blood flow and causes uneasiness during your sleep. sure you what they say,that every part of the body needs some fresh air to increase effectiveness, so set them free.
There are some unimaginable circumstances that can be mind blowing. do not sleep with someones wife o husband and the issue is this,you cant tell what happens in hours. Remember you don't hold tomorrow as you may sleep and never wake up again and what happens to your body may be unheard of which may not just be too good for your image. you can never trust human beings,your body may actually end up in the trash. Everybody,please take note.
All these super stars and super divas like me that love ear phones,sure anybody that knows me well will always link me to an earphone.when you wake up in the morning,you can listen to all the songs that you want till evening but once its time for you to sleep,please try to unplug and use the normal speakers as you may be playing scramble with your ear drums,and i bet you the earphone will surely win. I sure wont enjoying seeing you in that state,or would you rather use a hearing aid.that may sure look good on you i bet.
Leaving candles on,be it scented or unscented is one of the most dangerous things people do to show some kind of love,i don't know how they do it oh but i am telling you that the result could be roasted meat and a smoky smell instead of the lavender or jasmine fragrance that was expected. An ignited candle is fire,nobody plays with fire,so when you have scented your room for all your use,please extinguish it well.
People who sleep with make up end up having some funny skin issues
after a while as Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also find it a bit difficult to fall asleep because your skin will feel sticky and heavy. using a moist face whips wont be a bad idea in case you don't want to shower and pour water on your face so you can save your false eye lashes.(i know the feeling).
after a while as Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also find it a bit difficult to fall asleep because your skin will feel sticky and heavy. using a moist face whips wont be a bad idea in case you don't want to shower and pour water on your face so you can save your false eye lashes.(i know the feeling).
A shower and most especially a cold shower is usually a great source of relief after a long rough day. Having a bath helps to rejuvenate the body system and calm the nerves after all the tussles. Its true that sometimes we all get tired and worn out to even have a bath but its usually your first level of healing and a great way to start you sleep,as the whole body is relaxed and of course all the body cells,systems,tissues and mechanisms returns to a neutral state making it easier for you to fall asleep.
Staying in a noisy environment increases your adrenaline level and streamlines anxiety in every part of your system how much more sleeping in a noisy room. the tension,the distractions and of course the restlessness all draw to the conclusion that you may end up with a headache or insomnia.Try leaving the present room to another one. Sleep is one very expensive vaccine that is for free,don't trade it for anything else except when you need to work and get things done,then you can always sleep all you can later.
this article was not written as a licence for people to wake up and go back to bed then say Zara said so. it was written as a bill to a healthy positive living to help you improve well enough to function better and to teach you about some crazy things we do daily that are harmful to our health,so i hope you learnt a thing or two. Remember,Sleep is to the Body as Work is to the body too. Adios
Thursday, May 9, 2013
The dream of every sane woman is to sit on a white horse beside her charming prince from a foreign land on a beautiful trip of marriage with enough luxury and comfort that will make everyone around her envious. She wants an engagement party on a beach,a bridal shower in Paris,a wedding party at the Barbados,honeymoon in the best Kenyan Resort,if not a one month world tour.
However, soon after the dotted lines are signed,the honeymoon is over and the wedding gown sits on a hanger or maybe the bottom of her box, they tend to realize that marriage is far from the bed of roses they thought it would be. For many, it is a ride to hell,while to others its just a slow,sweet,solemn journey that deserves nothing else but the very best of commitment and understanding.
In spite of the challenges associated with getting married, there are a few wisdom nuggets every spinster should have at the back of her mind before saying ‘I do’. They will help moderate your expectations and give a guide on how to wriggle out of sticky situations that may want to blow ur mind out of the normal.
A lot of women are stuck in bad marriages simply because they do not have a valid way to support themselves or their children should they walk away or seek a divorce.
Get an education if you can or learn a trade and pursue a career that interests and challenges you. Know how to handle your finances, earn money on your own terms and only accumulate as little debt as you can realistically handle. you sure don't need to buy all the designer dresses,hair,bags and shoes then walk down the street looking like a sexy debtor,with no source of income. Don’t expect your parents or partners to bail you out of financial trouble. Learn to be your own financial hero. if you always buy things you don't need,soon you may have to sell the things you need to buy the things you want. Remember you should be a plan ''B'' in case your partner falls ill,loses his job or something bad happens, You need to be able to financially stand on your two feet as supportive wife.
That old saying which goes ‘the road to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ is absolutely true.
A man is one person that sees love,care and attention in the quality of food you serve him,not because food is all he desires,but as a result of the fact that a good plate of food makes a difference in the life of a tired,hungry man.you don't learn how to cook by been the best customer of any eatery. you cant learn how to cook if you don't cook constantly as you can always correct your past mistake in the next one.there is no quarrel a hot plate of pounded yam and oha soup or any food that pleases his heart,cannot settle,once you put your heart to it. Therefore,If you are not such a great cook, you can learn by going to a cookery school or getting a trusted friend to teach you.
Nobody in the world wins every battle especially when you are right and he’s wrong. Sometimes, he might just want to be stubborn or maybe he had a rough day at work and he wants to use that opportunity to transfer aggression or prove ‘he is a man. Let it go! there is no man that likes to argue blindly with his woman,like seriously. sometimes keeping quiet puts him on the edge to even ask if you are fine.you don't need to argue,to get angry and exhausted,to hit your palm on the table or even yell at him for you to win an argument. Remember,you may win the argument and lose that man. The solution to some of the challenges we experience are in simply staying calm and letting go.
Albert Einstein said that If you cant explain it to a 5 year old,then you don't know it well enough. there is nobody in the world that doesn't know somebody as we all need advice every now and then. That is why everybody needs a mentor. She does not have to be your pastor or your boss at work as even your Pastor looks up to someone, somewhere. She could just be a woman who is older and more experienced than you and has an evidently great and successful marriage. you cant possibly expect a good advice from a divorced bitter woman that will tell you that all men are the same.
That old saying which goes ‘the road to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ is absolutely true.
A man is one person that sees love,care and attention in the quality of food you serve him,not because food is all he desires,but as a result of the fact that a good plate of food makes a difference in the life of a tired,hungry man.you don't learn how to cook by been the best customer of any eatery. you cant learn how to cook if you don't cook constantly as you can always correct your past mistake in the next one.there is no quarrel a hot plate of pounded yam and oha soup or any food that pleases his heart,cannot settle,once you put your heart to it. Therefore,If you are not such a great cook, you can learn by going to a cookery school or getting a trusted friend to teach you.
Nobody in the world wins every battle especially when you are right and he’s wrong. Sometimes, he might just want to be stubborn or maybe he had a rough day at work and he wants to use that opportunity to transfer aggression or prove ‘he is a man. Let it go! there is no man that likes to argue blindly with his woman,like seriously. sometimes keeping quiet puts him on the edge to even ask if you are fine.you don't need to argue,to get angry and exhausted,to hit your palm on the table or even yell at him for you to win an argument. Remember,you may win the argument and lose that man. The solution to some of the challenges we experience are in simply staying calm and letting go.
Albert Einstein said that If you cant explain it to a 5 year old,then you don't know it well enough. there is nobody in the world that doesn't know somebody as we all need advice every now and then. That is why everybody needs a mentor. She does not have to be your pastor or your boss at work as even your Pastor looks up to someone, somewhere. She could just be a woman who is older and more experienced than you and has an evidently great and successful marriage. you cant possibly expect a good advice from a divorced bitter woman that will tell you that all men are the same.
Your mentor is someone who you can count on not to lead you astray. But always remember to think through whatever advice you are given; if it does not match the teachings in the right moral and spritiual norms,please run for your life. A wounded dog is indeed better than a dead lion
Finally read books,not just any book but good books that teach you more than you already know. They will expand your mind and build up your self esteem,driving you through a better view of every aspect of life in general. A home without books is like a soul without a body.
The book is to the mind what the sword is to the wet stone.
Finally read books,not just any book but good books that teach you more than you already know. They will expand your mind and build up your self esteem,driving you through a better view of every aspect of life in general. A home without books is like a soul without a body.
The book is to the mind what the sword is to the wet stone.
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