A Girl asked her mother: What is sex?
Mother replied: Sex is when you stop a car driven by a man who offers you a meal in a restaurant, and then you spend some time with him in the hotel room, sleep with him once, and then each one go on his way and you have a hundred dollars bill extra in your pocket.
Girl; Mum what is super sex?
Mum replies; Super sex is when you stop a limousine driven by Chauffeur and a stylish man is sitting in the back who takes you to a luxurious villa, gives you a sumptuous meal with distinctive Caviar...and then you spend the night together in bed and engage in sex more than once, and then you part with an envelope containing a thousand dollars in your pocket.
And then the girl asks her mother: What is love?
Mother replies: Love is a lie invented by men so that they can have sex with you for FREE!
Now here, this is meant to be a joke because honestly am still wondering the kind of mother that would advice her daughter like this, except Mama G in a Nigerian Movie which usually back fires. Nollywood, i celebrate your team and am proudly Nigeria.
Sadly, most Nigerian teenagers and adolescents have grown with this mind set and barely believing there is anything in the world like love.. Love has become what can you give me and no more how much impact can i make in your life. Ask the girl dating the richest man if she is truly happy and let her tell you the story of her life and how much pain she has to bear,how much lies she tells to cover her so called integrity. Money solves a lot of problems in Marriage but doesn't solve ALL problems in Marriage. Its not about the free sex after all you get the same result at the end of the game. The problem is he who knows does not speak and he who speaks does not know...Parents, what are you doing on sex education!!!
Don't tell your teen a condom is socks or your daughter that when a man touches her she will get pregnant. that has drastically produced a higher number of lesbians than any other myth or lie in the world. Teach your child all and what they need to know,teach them to tell you the truth when they are abused as most young people face sexual abuse but don't share their story with anyone. Some even commit suicide and the story follow them to the grave. Make out time to discuss with them and give them a room to share all they are feeling. Let them tell you about their friends, this will help you access when there are danger signals.
Remember, Nobody is free until all are free. HIV and other viral infections are waving flags here and there searching for passengers. Unplanned pregnancy is not ruled out and is a topic for another day as it will make a whole blog of its own. Abortion is spreading large wings and the problem here is not the abortion but the fact that most of them are unsafe leading to infertility,death and chronic infections...Lets Watch it, Parents!