As we walked in for the second session of the presidential debate Sunday, my heart raced through what the experience would be like. Today na Today…
Just thinking of Mr. Change and the so-called Mr. Clueless getting to give me reasons why I should vote them was enough to grand my Sunday. We sat down and I took a look at the podiums with the symbols and acronyms of each party beautifully and clearly written on them. I imagined what it would feel like to watch the top men and women of Nigeria who wanted to be president come 28th march take the debate of their career.
People walked in and out with the room gradually getting full, the anchor introduced the presidential candidates and then came the greatest fear proven right; Mr. Change, General Muhammad Buhari was absent.
I couldn’t comprehend why someone who wants to be president refused to debate with his fellow candidates. Yet the same man was very willing to go and deliver a speech to foreigners at Chattam House in London. What exactly was he afraid of?
It was not the debate of life and the debate does not give you extra votes more or less.
The national anthem came with splendor and the floor was officially opened for Nigerians to listen. I must commend the only female presidential aspirant for her bravery and courage. It’s not every day you meet a Nigerian Woman take on five men.. No, six men.
She did not shake or stutter, she spoke to Nigerians which makes her super, stronger and smarter than Buhari. The social media also caught fire and people were talking about the empty podium. Questions like; where is Buhari? Who is representing APC? Where is the APC Presidential candidate?
I think I can come to a conclusion that Buhari is not a democrat. He is a coward and he has no respect for Nigerians and in fact despises this country.
Stubbornness has never taken anyone anywhere; actually, arrogance is even worse but I don’t want to lay the whole blame on him. What happens to all those APC members who didn’t see anyone at their podium stand to represent them at the debate?
If they felt Buhari was not sound, a representative would have made some sense and saved their faces from the embarrassment of an empty podium. I want to believe that is the type of change they want to bring for Nigerians.
I may never understand why he boycotted the 2015 presidential election debate but one day I hope that the General will give Nigerians an answer we will all buy with the change.
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