Monday, January 14, 2013

Six Steps To Achieving Your Set Goals

Write it down –The moment you write something down, it suddenly becomes alive. Outline your aspirations in a notebook and keep that notebook beside your bed so that you never forget. Remind yourself of your targets by placing ‘post-it’ notes in visible places. For example, if you are trying to lose weight or trying to get a job, you could stick a note on your computer screen reminding you to apply for jobs or a note on your mirror reminding you to exercise.

Stay focused
– Set your eyes on your target and never lose focus. The moment you do, you become like a blind man struggling to find his way at night in the  popular  market. Distractions could come in the form of judgmental friends, annoying strangers, failure and even success. Believe it or not, if you meditate too much on failure or success, you may never move forward. Stay focused on your goal.

Manage your time wisely
– Many of us wish there was more than 24 hours in a day because the day’s activities seem so overwhelming. The best way to overcome this feeling is to plan your day ahead of time. Write down what you intend to accomplish that day and try to stick with it. Remember, procrastination is a dream killer. Do not procrastinate.

Break your dream into smaller goals – To make your dream more achievable, break it into smaller pieces. For instance, let’s say you plan to start a company and you have calculated that it might take you two to five years to become an established brand, break it down into months. Outline what you could accomplish or what skills you could obtain in one month that would enable you reach your dream.

Change your lifestyle or your friends
– Get rid of any extra baggage that may prevent you from realizing your goals. An unhealthy lifestyle of drugs, sex and alcohol will not get you very far;  it might even kill you before you begin. Liberate yourself from the bad influences and blabbermouths you call your friends (if that’s what they are). They are a pessimistic lot and would surely discourage you from achieving your aspirations.

Reward yourself – Anytime you achieve your main goal or a part of it, reward yourself. Take a day off and go out with friends, watch a movie, go shopping or just stay indoors and make yourself a special meal. It will boost your self esteem.

However, don’t stop there, keep going.............move forward


Anonymous said...

so true,keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Good job girl...onyebuchi said...

thanks buchy